These will all come naturally during your playthrough. If taking this approach, completing the game on “Death March!” will in turn unlock " Passed the Trial." " Ran the Gauntlet" and " Walked the Path." There are also a number of secret achievements related to the main questline as well seven to be exact. This game offers tons of content and doing two different playthroughs may end up being more overwhelming than just stacking difficulties from the outset. While some players may find comfort beginning their journeys on one of the lower difficulties, it’s strongly recommended to crank it up to “Death March!” from the get-go. To begin, it’s worth mentioning that there are a few different difficulty options present within the game. Sit back, turn up the volume, and be prepared to be sucked into a beautifully realistic and violently intimate world. With every action and choice effecting the world, players will be able to craft a truly unique experience during their playthrough. The game offers well over one hundred hours of content and fifty-two unique achievements that span quest completion, combat finesse, and other miscellaneous tasks. This game is brimming with content, from an expansive main storyline to dozens upon dozens of side quests and witcher contracts, and even smaller activities such as horse racing, fist fighting, and card playing. One will soon find that Geralt’s journey in this game is personal, as he is tasked with facing the mysterious and otherworldly army known as the Wild Hunt in an attempt to find the his ward, the Child of Prophecy-Ciri. In CD Projekt RED’s latest open-world RPG, players will once again assume the role of Geralt, a mighty witcher. Welcome to the Northern Realms, a vast continent filled with quaint villages, bustling cities, troubled souls, and menacing monsters.

Does difficulty affect achievements: Yes – See Roadmap. Missable achievements: 9 - " Card Collector", " Gwent Master", " Brawl Master", " Fast and Furious", " Fist of the South Star", " Even Odds", " Assassin of Kings", " Full Crew", " Woodland Spirit." Minimum number of playthroughs needed: 1 Approximate amount of time to 1000 : 150 Hours+